Monday 1 October 2012

Janet Jackson Plans $20million wedding with a $10,000 Rolex wrist watch souvenir

Janet Jackson and her billionaire boyfriend Wissam Al Mana plan their wedding in 2013 in Doha,Qatar.

The couple hope to wed in Qatar, where the billionaire was born, and are in the process of making arrangements for the ceremony to take place in 2013.
According to a source close to the pair, the wedding is set to be ”one of the biggest, most memorable extravaganzas in recent history.”
According to National Enquirer magazine:
”They have tentatively set a late 2013 wedding date. But they are still working out the details and the exact day.”
Al Mana and Jackson will reportedly spend $3 million on flying in their 500 wedding guests from all over the globe, while Wissam wants to gift all attendees a $10,000 Rolex watch each, as a personal thank you for attending.
”Wissam is going to splash big when he marries Janet. It’s going to be the wedding of the century,” the source confirmed.
Janet – the sister of late superstar king of pop Michael Jackson – has been dating Wissam since the summer of 2010.
She was previously in a seven-year relationship with music producer Jermaine Dupri.


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